Borsari Strip Steak with Mashed Carrots

  1. 1 8-10 oz Strip Steak
  2. 2 Large Carrots
  3. 2 oz Butter
  4. Borsari Orange Ginger and Original
  1. Peel carrots are fork tender, strain. Return to pan with butter and mash. Keep warm.
  2. Bring cast iron pan up to high temperature: season steak with Borsari Original. Lay steak away from you into pan, IMMEDIATELY lower heat to medium. Cook evenly on both sides to desired temperature.
  3. Let rest for 10 minutes.
  4. To finish: Place mashed carrots in the center of the plate, slice steak as desired and arrange around or on top of carrots. Olive oil to finish with a pinch of Borsari Orange Ginger.
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